Friday, July 22, 2005

5 Random Things

The power went out a few nights ago. My mom didn't remember the last time she was in Koforidua when the power went out. To top things off, no one in the compound had a candle. There must be 30 people here (mind you, some of them are kids) and no one had a single candle?? Our flashlight was the only source of light in the house. It just shows how times have changed. I remember living in Nigeria, losing power ALL THE TIME!!! We had candles (and lanterns) everywhere.

We watched an episode of "American Idol" the other day. It was from season 3 (for those of you who are not AI fans, this past season was season 4). It was odd to see that on TV. It seems like on all TV from the US, the sound doesn't line up with the picture. It's like there is a delay so you hear the person talking about 1/2 a second before their mouth moves. It ends up looking like really badly dubbed TV.

We got a piece of fabric yesterday, and we are both going to make a piece of clothing out of it. We'll have matching outfits to go with the matching shoes we have (we make a point never to both wear the shoes on the same day). It sounds cheesy, so let me note that Lauren seemed more interested in getting matching outfits than I did.

I've been amazed at the number of people who have thought we were siblings during our time so far. Even an aunt of mine thought Lauren was Emily (my sister). After one woman said this (and was corrected), she got the impression that we were married and said, "when you are married for a long time, you start to look alike, that's why I thought you were siblings". It thought that was funny.

Over the past few days, I've been thinking about when I would like come back to Koforidua again. Every other year sounds good, but with costs of travel, I don't really know. To travel so far, I would want to stay for a while, to justify the costs. I have to admit I like being this out of touch. It would be nice to get away every year or two; I don't get many phone calls, I can't respond to emails very well, and I don't have to feel guilty about it. What more could an introvert ask for:)


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